Jordaros replied

428 weeks ago

Archiforma Archi Cad 17 Serial Number >

Archiforma Archi Cad 17 Serial Number

All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. The Rotation tool, as in the previous version, lets you rotate the elements in the 3D space.The last tools we want to describe in this short summary, are the 3D Polyline Tool (useful for Extrusion along paths and Surfaces generation) and the 3D Polyline Editing Tool which provides you with a useful palette (very similar to the ArchiCAD Pet Palette) for modifying/adjusting your 3D Polyline (Add/Delete Nodes, Curve Side/Straighten Curve, Merge Polylines, Split Polyline).A lot of other new/reviewed functions enrich this last ArchiForma version (for example the feature to save your ArchiForma model as an ArchiCAD parametric Library parts: Objects, Doors and Windows) but we prefer to let you discover and enjoy them by downloading and using the ArchiForma 2.0 demo version!.. You simply need to select and drag the hotspot to graphically modify the element without exploding it or coming back to its setting dialog window.The following icons in the ArchiForma 2 palette are the Revolution and Spiral Tools. ArchiCAD plug-in for the creation of objects. Several improvements had been done respect of the previous versions are a lot, let's describe only some of them.Let's start with the new graphic interface and the four new kinds of extrusion tools:.

The Spiral Tool let you extrude along a circular or elliptical path predefined profile shapes or custom (user defined) shapes.The next tools, Extrusion and Sweep along a path, are some of the best improvements of ArchiForma 2.0.An now, the "main actors" of ArchiForma 2, the Surfaces Tools, that's to say elements generated from the connection between ArchiForma 3D Polylines.ArchiForma 2 provides you also with a set of tool for editing the already created elements.The first one, the Exploding/Updating Tool, lets you "deeply" modify the geometry of the original elements that created the result model (fills, polylines, arcs, etc.).The main difference from the same tool, already included in ArchiForma 1.0, is that when you update the element you don't loose the original settings (materials, fills, position, etc.). They can also be edited any time modifications are necessary and saved again as new Objects.This example shows how easy it is to work with ArchiForma. the traditional one (Vertical extrusion);the Ruled extrusion;the Twister Extrusion;the Bend extrusion.Let's continue with this short description.The Ruled Extrusion needs two ArchiCAD Fills which describe the bottom and the top faces. You won't even realise you're using a Plug-in.ArchiForma 2 can be activated at any moment by selecting the command ArchiForma/Visualise ArchiForma Palette, which is added to the standard ArchiCAD Extra Design menus during installation.All commands and functions on the ArchiForma Palette are immediately available and may be used both on the Floor Plan worksheet as well as in the ArchiCAD 3D Window.The ArchiForma 2 Palette is divided into four main sections that contain logical groupings of the different types of commands and functions required for creating or modifying objects:simple 3D primitives;3D forms generated from 2D outlines (groups of lines, arcs, lines and arcs, fills);editing functions (holes, cutting, rotating);miscellaneous tools, which include instruments for editing elements, saving and general editing.The graphic interface allows quick and simple editing of even the most complex forms, such as extrusions, tubing or surfaces.With the hole, cutting plane and rotate commands, even the most minute details can be sculpted to get the desired shape.. It provides a step by step description of the operations required for creating a translational surface.. .. In order to fulfil these needs, Cigraph developed ArchiForma 1.0, the successful object modeler tool for ArchiCAD.Then Graphisoft released ArchiCAD 8.0 that provides the users with the Solid Element Operation issues (Boolean functions).With these tools (ArchiCAD 8.0 and ArchiForma 1.0) the user can create whatever he may need to but, as usual, Cigraph tried to improve its tool providing the users with more and better functions so here we are to introduce you ArchiForma 2.0. All rights reserved. Using ArchiForma 2 is just like using any other simple ArchiCAD function.

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last edited 380 weeks ago by Jordaros
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